
DateWeekdayCanadian Geophyscial Union SectionSession TitleSession NumberAnnual General Meeting
8-Jun.-21TuesdayHydrologyStreams and LakesS6
15-Jun.-21TuesdaySolid EarthSeismology and Seismic ImagingS1 & S5
22-Jun.-21TuesdaySolid EarthLithospheric Tectonics and Mantle DynamicsS4
24-Jun.-21ThursdayHydrologyAdvances in Observation Modelling of Cold-Regions HydrologyS9
29-Jun.-21TuesdayHydrologyPermafrost Hydrology and Hydrogeology: Interactions, Innovations, and ChallengesS8
6-Jul.-21TuesdayBiogeosciencesGeneral BiogeosciencesS11, S13, & S14Biogeosciences AGM
8-Jul.-21ThursdayHydrologyAdvances in Global Water, Water Connectivity, and Water Infrastructure DataS7Hydrology AGM
13-Jul.-21TuesdayBiogeosciencesSetting the S-C-ene for Ecosystem Carbon Cycling Across Natural and Disturbed EnvironmentsS12
15-Jul.-21ThursdaySolid EarthLithospheric Tectonics and Mantle Dynamics part 2 and General Solid EarthS2, S4, S3, & S5Solid Earth AGM
20-Jul.-21TuesdayGeodesy, HydrologyHydrology and Geophysics in High Latitude and High-Altitude Environments - Chevron AwardUnion-wide AGM